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On the Voiceless Reflex of *ṣ́ and *ṯ̣ in pre-Hilalian Maghrebian Arabic

Seiten 88 - 95

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitarabling.62.0088

This paper argues that the voiceless reflex of the emphatics *ṣ́ (ḍād) and *ṯ̣ (ẓāʾ) in some pre-Hilalian Maghrebian Arabic dialects is in fact an archaism. These phonemes were voiceless in Old Arabic, as proven by Greek transcriptions from the pre-Islamic period, and so pre-Hilalian Maghrebian Arabic may continue the original situation. The voiced reflexes, more common in other modern Arabic dialects and in the conventional pronunciation of Classical Arabic, are then interpreted as a later development.

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, Institute for Area Studies (LIAS), Leiden University,

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