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The Terms manzila, maǧrā, mawḍiʿ, mawqiʿ, makān and maqām in Sībawayhi's Book

Yehudit Dror, Abdelnaser Jabarin

Pages 37 - 60


We offer a new division and some new interpretations of six common terms occurring in the Kitāb. Syntagmatic relations in the speech are underlined by the terms manzila, meaning that component A has the same syntactic features as B, and maǧrā, meaning that component A functions like B. Paradigmatic relations are denoted by the terms mawḍiʿ, which we interpret as component A being syntactically equivalent to B, and mawqiʿ being a general term indicating that two different words might have the same function: makān that consonant A is substituted by consonant B, and maqām that the deleted component A is substituted by B.

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